NTK Fall race 8

And that’s a wrap for the NTK Mega Season! This pic shows it all....fierce competitors on the track and best buds afterwards. As what seems to have become our usual, we began the day with setup issues, but once we got the kart where it needed to be, Brayden was able to do some strong racing, and have some fun. We tried hard, but couldn’t find the pace of Brayden’s buddy, Peyton, and had to settle for P2 in both finals.
The first final, Brayden made his way up through the field passing for second with two laps to go, and receiving the hard charger award.
Sadly, the second final had some dirty driving, with blatant attempts to push Brayden off the track at the start of the race.. Brayden kept his cool, and was able to get the position back and finish the race ahead of him. It’s disappointing to see this kind of behavior in young drivers, especially at a club race, but Brayden handled the situation with maturity and it only adds to his experience.
And best of all, it does appear the two P2s this weekend will be enough for Brayden to win the 2020 NTK Championship, his third championship in a row. BRM thanks our 2020 sponsors TFNB Your Bank for Life and Brazos Roofing and to Cruz Racing Development for the coaching/driver development and help finding solutions for the best kart setup.

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